Bill Mitchell's Mural Project in Anacortes - Visit Skagit Valley - North Cascades National Park to Farmlands to Salish Sea

Bill Mitchell’s Mural Project in Anacortes

Get to know the history of downtown Anacortes
and beyond through this amazing mural
project! The Anacortes Museum poured
countless hours and heaps of love into creating
a self-guided tour of the city’s prominent
musicians, fishermen and women, sports
figures, politicians, and families, giving
visitors “depth and meaning to their
experience downtown.”

Born in 1949, the late Bill Mitchell was,
according to the Anacortes Museum, a
“muralist, cartoonist, local historian, pirate,
and overall scallywag.” He loved his hometown
and shared his enthusiasm by painting more
than 150 murals. You can take in the majority
of these unique works of art by strolling through
downtown with your smartphone in hand.

Visit the museum’s website

Learn about the murals

Find the self-guided tour here


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