Our fans LOVE to share their photos and the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival loves to see them! Join the Tulip Festival photo contest, sponsored by Columbia Bank! Here’s how it works:
1. Photos must have been taken no earlier than April 1, 2014 or later than April 30, 2014 and be submitted under one of these categories:
a.) Beauty of the flowers
b.) Families (photos of multiple generations encouraged)
c.) Children
2. Photos must be sent to info@tulipfestival.org and include the photographer’s name, mailing and email address, telephone number, and date of the photo, as well as the category desired.
3. One entry per person per week. Multiple submissions will result in the deletion of all photos from that person for that week.
4. Photo submission includes granting publication rights with no remuneration to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and that all subjects in the photo grant the same. Photo credit will be gladly given.
5. On Thursdays, April 10, 17, 24 and May 1, a panel of judges will select five semi-finalists in each category to be posted on the Gallery pages at http://www.tulipfestival.org as well as on the Festival’s Facebook page(https://www.facebook.com/SkagitValleyTulipFestival) for information purposes, along with an invitation (and link) to visit the homepage.
6. On May 8, three finalists in each category will be announced on our Facebook page and on May 15, the winning photos will be posted on both the Facebook and Festival home pages. The winning photos will be printed in the 2015 brochure, and all three finalists will receive a signed 2014 Festival poster.
Thanks for your interest in the Tulip Festival Photo Contest. Please direct questions to info@tulipfestival.org