Representing all eleven Skagit Valley breweries, the first ever Skagit Farm to Pint FEST is truly a brewer’s festival designed by the brewers themselves. Presented by the Port of Skagit, held at Skagit Valley Malting and organized by Skagit Farm to Pint, the kick-off festival to Skagit Beer Week will offer an authentic intimate experience inside of a malt house, allowing 500 attendees to sample over 20 beers and bites made with local ingredients from the Skagit Valley while listening to local musicians and learning about the craft.
“We are only selling 500 tickets and expect to sell out. There are no ticket sales at the door. How this festival looks and feels comes from many brainstorming meetings with the brewers which included having a focus on quality over quantity,” said Julie Burgmeier, creator of Skagit Farm to Pint and Skagit Beer Week. “The good news is if you can’t get a ticket to Skagit Farm to Pint FEST there are Skagit Beer Week events all week long at breweries, pubs and restaurants throughout the Valley and not to mention the grand finale on April 7th at the Farmstrong Festival – the Skagit Valley Malting Showcase.”
Educational opportunities will be found throughout the malt house including samples of a range of malts for tasting, WSU fermentation specialist demos, experiencing the malting system, talking with the grain breeders, local maltsters and brewers.
“Skagit Valley is fast becoming a beer destination because of our agricultural roots,” added Burgmeier. “The breeders over at the bread lab breeds the grain, the farmers grow the grain, Skagit Valley Malting malts the grain, the Skagit brewers drive over to the malt house and pick up the grain (usually the day before they brew) and then the feedback from how the grain brewed goes back to the bread lab.”
Skagit Farm to Pint FEST will take place on March 31st at Skagit Valley Malting located at the Port of Skagit. All proceeds from the festival will go to Viva Farms. Viva Farms mission is to launch a new generation of farmers. For more information, tickets and a complete list of sponsors, visit the Skagit Beer Week website.